Harumaki Gohan Wiki

Dreamless Dreams (ドリームレス・ドリームス) is a song by Harumaki Gohan originally released on May 6, 2017. It was later rereleased on December 21, 2017 as part of the Seikai ga Owaru no yo (Sou x Harumaki Gohan) album, December 26, 2017 as an acoustic in Sleep Sheep Sunroom album, and on December 13, 2018 as part of the Neo Dream Traveler album.


Dreamless Dream is the fourth song from Neo Dream Traveler to have been released as a single. It was the first song that featured a fully animated music video, created completely independently by Harumaki Gohan.


As revealed in the Neo Dream Traveler art book, Dreamless Dreams is a story about a woman meeting with her younger self in a dream. The younger girl has a low self esteem and continuously asks her older self for validation and clings onto her. The woman, who has grown up and become secure in herself, believes her younger self's worries to be stupid, so she slaps her.

At the end of the song, the woman believes that her younger self won't like how the dream ends, so she keeps the dream going so that her younger self can be happy.


English translation provided by Tick

Japanese English
さめないゆめを Wouldn’t you like to see
みたくはないかい A dream you won’t wake up from?
あなたのためだけのえほんがあるよ I have a picture book just for you

ほしがみえるよ You can see the stars
そらもとべるよ You can fly in the sky, too
すきなことをえらんでよ Just pick what you’d like

調子はどうですか How are you feeling?
空は自由に飛べましたか Were you able to fly freely in the sky?
すごい魔法が出せましたか Were you able to use awesome magic?
全部夢の中限定品さ All of that is limited to use inside a dream

生きてる事ってなんだろな What does it mean to be living, I wonder?
生きてる人は怖いからな Living people are scary, aren’t they
触れないものを信じるのは Believing in things you can’t touch
馬鹿のすることと聞きました Is something that only fools do, I heard

出来損ないでも良いですか Is it okay to be a worthless person?
優しい愛を貰えますか Can I still receive kind love?
どうしようもない人間だって夢を語れますか Can even a hopeless person talk about dreams?

夢の続きを知りたいのかい? Do you want to know the continuation of the dream?
誰も見たこと無い絵本を捲りなさい Turn the page of the picture book that no one has seen before
それがあなたの望む世界だとしよう If we say that that is the world you wished for
夢の終わりで眠ればいい Then you can sleep at the end of the dream

教室の廃材が宙に浮かぶ The scrap wood in the classroom floats in midair
やっぱどうしたって嫌なもんは嫌なんだろうなきっと In the end, whatever I do, I’ll hate the things I hate, surely
ひとりぼっちを選べない私の I, who can’t choose to be alone -
馬鹿げたモノローグ This is my foolish monologue

不幸自慢して良いですか Is it okay to brag about my misfortune?
最後までちゃんと聞いてますか Are you properly listening until the end?
なんでもう誰も居なくなったら意味が無いんですか Why, when everyone goes away, is there no meaning?

夢の続きを知りたいのかい? Do you want to know the continuation of the dream?
夢の終わりが知りたくないのは The reason you don’t want to know the end of the dream
あなたの望む世界じゃないから Is because it isn’t the world you wished for
こんな続きを愛して欲しい I want you to love this kind of continuation


  • The lyrics in the intro of the song are written completely in hiragana, whereas the rest of the song is written with grammatically correct kanji. This is similar to Japanese picture books intended for young children, where all the words are written in hiragana so that children who can't read kanji are able to understand it.