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Melty Land Nightmare (メルティランドナイトメア) is a song by Harumaki Gohan originally released on February 16, 2018. It was later rereleased on December 13, 2018 as part of the Neo Dream Traveler album.


Melty Land Nightmare is the first song in Neo Dream Traveler, and one of 8 that were released as singles before the album's conception.


In the same universe as the Blue Planet, there exists a dream planet called the Melty Land. The only resident of the Melty Land is a half-baku-half-human girl named Melty, who feeds on nightmares. Her main supplier of these nightmares is Blue Girl, a girl who has a bad waking life and suffers from constant nightmares because of it. The two spend many nights together, Melty eating Blue Girl's nightmares and comforting her and Blue Girl providing Melty with companionship. However, as Melty continues to help Blue Girl, Blue Girl eventually stops having nightmares - and since the Melty Land is a nightmare, she stops coming to the Melty Land. Without Blue Girl, Melty likely ends up starving. Unfortunately, Blue Girl usually forgets her dreams, so she is completely unaware of the years she spent with Melty.


Imaginary Friend[]

Perhaps the closest theory to the artbook canon, this theory is almost exactly the same as the real story of the song, except Melty and the Melty Land are nothing but a figment of Blue Girl's imagination. Evidence used to support this theory is simply the lyrics.


This theory states that Melty is the embodiment of Blue Girl's ideals. Melty dies in the end because Blue Girl gave up on her dreams as she got older. Evidence used to support this theory lies mainly in the lyrics, such as "The fantasy from long ago is today, your daydream" and "If not a single thing we wish for will come true".

Futari No[]

This was a very popular theory when Saikai was first released. According to this theory, Nana is actually Melty. In addition to the two characters looking very similar, the color palette of Saikai's music video and themes of childhood friendships and adventures seemed to point to this. Additionally, Lili and Blue Girl have also been noted to look very similar. In one interpretation of this theory, however, Lili is not Blue Girl; rather, she is Tina.

Blue Ending Nova[]

Under this theory, Photon girl and Blue girl are one in the same. This is supported by both characters being very similar, with their forgetfulness and sameish appearance.


English lyrics provided by Tick.

Japanese English
案外そんなフューチャー Unexpectedly, that future
先天的なフューチャー An inevitable future
案外そんなフューチャーだよ Unexpectedly, it’s that kind of future

わんつーさんはい、いちにさん One, two, three, yes, one two three
そろそろ起きたらどう How about waking up soon?
驚く顔なら知ってるよ I’ll know it, if it’s your surprised face
いっつもそういう顔をする You always make that sort of face

Welcome to the メルティランド Welcome to the Melty Land
ここはひとりもふたりも無い場所 This is a place with not a single person
Welcome to the メルティランド Welcome to the Melty Land
美しい夢だけが遺る場所 A place where only beautiful dreams remain
貴方はドアを開けたの You opened the door
僕の世界のドアを選んだの You chose the door to my world
十年前から待っていたわ I’ve been waiting for the past ten years
Welcome to the メルティランド Welcome to the Melty Land

疑ってしまうような One that it seems like I’ll doubt -
不可侵のスターリーナイト An inviolable starry night
ずっと前の空想が The fantasy from long ago
今日の君の白昼夢 Is today, your daydream
時間すら 止まったら If even time comes to a stop
見え始める君のナイトメア We’ll begin to see it - your nightmare
正常なグッドモーニング A normal good morning
人生のハッピーエンディング Life’s happy ending
僕達は何ひとつ叶わないのなら If not a single thing we wish for will come true
疑ってしまうような One that it seems like I’ll doubt -
不可侵のスターリーナイト An inviolable starry night
一瞬だけ忘れないでよね Don’t forget even a single moment, please

案外そんなフューチャー Unexpectedly, that future
先天的なフューチャー An inevitable future
案外そんなフューチャーだよ Unexpectedly, it’s that kind of future

君とは今日で五千回目 With you, today, it’s the 5000th time
またまた悪夢を観ましたね You had a bad dream again, didn’t you?
お母さんに何か言われたの? Did your mother say something to you?
クラスの誰かが冷たいの? Was someone in class cold to you?

パパが言うには明日隕石が降って Papa says that tomorrow a meteorite will fall
世界が瞬く間に終わりを迎える And in the blink of an eye, the world will go out to meet its end
僕はちょっとだけ期待してみた I tried hoping, just a little bit
アダムの言いなりはお終い I’m done with doing as Adam said
もう千年前から待っていたわ I’ve already been waiting for the past thousand years
Welcome to the メルティランド Welcome to the Melty Land

疑ってしまうような One that it seems like I’ll doubt -
とびきりのディナータイム A spectacular dinnertime
溶けあってしまいそうだ It seems like they’ll melt together
君と僕のナイトメア Our nightmares, yours and mine
名前すら 夢ん中 Even our names, inside this dream
触れ合うのはガラスハートだけ The ones that touch are only our glass hearts
正常なグッドモーニング A normal good morning
人生のハッピーエンディング Life’s happy ending
僕達は何ひとつ叶わないのなら If not a single thing we wish for will come true
疑ってしまうような One that it seems like I’ll doubt -
とびきりのディナータイム A spectacular dinnertime
一生だけ忘れないでよね For your whole life, don’t forget, please

溶けていく It melts away
運命が溶けていく Destiny melts away

ぎゅっとしてしまいそうな One that I feel like I’ll end up holding tight
イノセンスなロンリーガール An innocent lonely girl
泣きたいほど純情だ So pure of heart that I want to cry
あとちょっとのナイトメア Just a little bit longer, this nightmare
時間すら 止まっても Even if time comes to a stop
片方だけワガママ言うの To think of only one side is just selfish
朝6時の警鐘が The alarm bell at 6 AM
僕達のタイムオーバー Is our time-over
からからのハートだって 息を吸うことを Even this dried up heart can still take a breath in
ぎゅっとしてしまいそうな One that I feel like I’ll end up holding tight
イノセンスなロンリーガール An innocent lonely girl
目が醒めても忘れないでよね Even when you open your eyes, don’t forget me, please

愛したって君は目を覚ます Even if I love you, you will still wake up
ゼロになって ゼロになって Become zero Become zero
愛したって君は僕を忘れる Even if I love you, you will forget about me
ゼロになって ゼロになって Become zero Become zero
ゼロになって… Become zero...


  • According to Gen'ei AP: Empty Heart, Melty Land Nightmare takes place 2 days after Gen'ei.
    • It was also revealed in Gen'ei AP - Empty Heart that the asteroid that struck the Melty Land was either the same one from Homesick Halley or either comets mentioned in Blue Ending Nova.
      • The theory that the girl on the comet is one from Blue Ending Nova is supported by the fact that Blue Girl, who is often theorized to be one in the same with Photon Girl, has the same color has the comet shown in Melty Land Nightmare's music video.